XML-Structure for IMMO EXPORT
Please locate you XML-file in a public folder of your webserver and send us the URL of the file to office@immobar.it.
(string)+(text) => UTF-8
(decimal) => 1234000.567890
(integer) => 1234
(boolean) => true/false
(date) => 2014-12-31 / ISO 8601
(string)+(text) => UTF-8
(decimal) => 1234000.567890
(integer) => 1234
(boolean) => true/false
(date) => 2014-12-31 / ISO 8601
Datafields with * are required fields!
For more information call Martin Niederkofler +39 328 2152994 / martin.niederkofler@gmx.net (deutsch/italiano/english)
Version and Changes